List of Michigan State Historic Sites in Calhoun County, Michigan

The following is a list of Michigan State Historic Sites in Calhoun County, Michigan. Sites marked with a dagger (†) are also listed on the National Register of Historic Places in Calhoun County, Michigan.[1]


Current listings

Name Image Location City Listing date
African Methodist Episcopal Church 364 West Van Buren Street Battle Creek 01991-11-21 November 21, 1991
Albion College Astronomical Observatory Cass Street, Albion College Campus Albion 01985-01-25 January 25, 1985
Albion College Informational Designation Ingham Street and Michigan Avenue Albion 01985-01-25 January 25, 1985
Battle Creek City Hall† 103 Michigan Avenue Battle Creek 01983-08-12 August 12, 1983
Battle Creek House 2 West Michigan Avenue Battle Creek 01959-06-26 June 26, 1959
Battle Creek No. 4 Fire Station 175 Kendall Street Battle Creek 01991-05-16 May 16, 1991
Battle Creek Post Office† 67 East Michigan Street/80 East State Street Battle Creek 01973-05-17 May 17, 1973
Battle Creek Sanitarium 74 North Washington Avenue Battle Creek 01989-09-07 September 7, 1989
Battle Creek Toasted Corn Flake Company Informational Site 235 Porter Street Battle Creek 01981-05-13 May 13, 1981
Beckley Cemetery Helmer and Beckley roads Battle Creek 01972-09-29 September 29, 1972
Beckley School 3019 Beckley Road, at Helmer Road Battle Creek 01970-08-27 August 27, 1970
Bedford Mill 220 Main Street Battle Creek 01966-06-02 June 2, 1966
Birthplace of "The Old Rugged Cross" informational designation 1101 East Michigan Avenue Albion 01959-05-01 May 1, 1959
Birthplace of Famed Song ("Sweetheart of Sigma Chi") Informational Designation Albion College Campus, South Hall Albion 01959-05-01 May 1, 1959
Breakfast Food Industry Informational Designation Bailey Park, NE Capital Avenue at M-78 Battle Creek 01957-01-19 January 19, 1957
Butler-Boyce House 1110 Verona Road Marshall 01979-06-15 June 15, 1979
Calhoun County Fair Between Fair St. and Washington Ave, east of Marshall Ave Marshall 01972-02-11 February 11, 1972
Capitol Hill School† 603 Washington Street Marshall 01971-04-23 April 23, 1971
Cobblestone School North Drive West and 11 Mile Road Pennfield Township 01971-08-13 August 13, 1971
Seirn B. Cole House 276 Capital Avenue NE Battle Creek 01987-01-22 January 22, 1987
Samuel and Elizabeth Galloway Coleman House 923 Willow Street, corner of Homer Marshall 01997-01-23 January 23, 1997
Oliver C. Comstock, Jr. House 203 South Marshall Avenue Marshall 01980-02-27 February 27, 1980
William Wallace Cook House 603 North Kalamazoo Marshall 01973-03-14 March 14, 1973
Cortright-Van Patten Mill† 109 Byron Homer 01977-02-07 February 7, 1977
Isaac E. Crary House 107 North Park Street, Town Square Marshall 01973-03-14 March 14, 1973
Jeremiah Cronin Jr. House 407 North Madison Marshall 01992-07-16 July 16, 1992
Crosswhite Fugitive Slave Case Informational Designation East Michigan Avenue and East Mansion Street Marshall 01956-02-18 February 18, 1956
Del Shannon "Runaway" Informational Site 45 Capital Ave., S.W., Southeast corner of Hamblin and Capital avenues Battle Creek 01990-06-21 June 21, 1990
Elks Temple 14 North McCamly Street Battle Creek 01981-11-16 November 16, 1981
Emporium† 154-156 West Michigan Avenue Marshall 01981-02-23 February 23, 1981
Faust Block 107 East Michigan Avenue Marshall 01985-06-20 June 20, 1985
First Baptist Church 501 North Superior St Marshall 01985-04-23 April 23, 1985
First Baptist Church 80 East Michigan Ave Battle Creek 01959-08-09 August 9, 1959
First Home in Albion Informational Site 303 East Erie Street Albion 01960-08-25 August 25, 1960
First National Bank of Marshall 117 East Michigan Avenue Marshall 01990-11-15 November 15, 1990
First Presbyterian Church 305 East Porter Street Albion 01989-12-20 December 20, 1989
Jabez S. Fitch House† 310 North Kalamazoo Avenue Marshall 01965-02-17 February 17, 1965
Floral Hall Calhoun County Fairgrounds Marshall 01974-07-26 July 26, 1974
Fort Custer Dickman Road Battle Creek 01957-09-17 September 17, 1957
G.A.R. Hall West Michigan Ave at Exchange St Marshall 01983-01-27 January 27, 1983
Gale Manufacturing Co. Office Building 105 N Albion Street Albion 01982-06-18 June 18, 1982
Orlando C. Gale House 220 Mulberry Street Albion 01995-09-14 September 14, 1995
A. P. Gardner Mansion† 509 South Superior Street Albion 01971-01-22 January 22, 1971
Charles T. Gorham Informational Designation Michigan National Bank, 124 W Michigan Marshall 01976-11-03 November 3, 1976
Governor's Mansion 621 South Marshall Avenue Marshall 01972-02-11 February 11, 1972
Harmonia Cemetery 15th Street Bedford Township 01983-11-30 November 30, 1983
Hawkins Farm Informational Designation 18935 15 1/2 Mile Road Marshall 01985-07-23 July 23, 1985
Andrew L. Hayes House 303 North Kalamazoo Street Marshall 01965-02-17 February 17, 1965
Sam Hill House 139 W Mansion St Marshall 01974-07-26 July 26, 1974
H. Eugene Hollon House 215 South Eagle Street Marshall 01984-03-20 March 20, 1984
Holy Ascension of Christ Orthodox Church 810 Austin Avenue Albion 01981-11-16 November 16, 1981
Homer Fire Station 128 East Main Street Homer 01976-01-16 January 16, 1976
Erastus and Sarah Hussey Residence and Store Informational Site Kellogg Foundation Headquarters, One Michigan Avenue Battle Creek 01992-03-19 March 19, 1992
Joy House† 224 North Kalamazoo Avenue Marshall 01971-08-13 August 13, 1971
W. K. Kellogg House† Intersection of Division Street and the Battle Creek River in the Kellogg Foundation Park Battle Creek 01980-06-10 June 10, 1980
Ketchum Park South Marshall Street between Fair and Washington streets Marshall 01972-02-11 February 11, 1972
Kimball House 196 Capital Avenue Battle Creek 01976-09-21 September 21, 1976
Isaac Lockwood House† 14011 Verona Road Marshall 01992-01-23 January 23, 1992
Log School House Informational Site East State and Monroe streets Battle Creek 01959-06-05 June 5, 1959
Marengo Pioneer Cemetery West Michigan at 21 Mile Road (5 miles west of Albion) Marengo Township 01959-05-01 May 1, 1959
Marshall House 1 Exchange St Marshall 01980-02-27 February 27, 1980
Marshall Informational Designation Town Square, East Main Street (city property south of the Honolulu House) Marshall 01972-02-11 February 11, 1972
Marshall Middle School 400 Marshall Avenue Marshall 01978-01-19 January 19, 1978
Marshall Public Schools Pioneer School House Informational Site 200 West Mansion Marshall 01987-03-19 March 19, 1987
Marshall Region I-94 at US-27 Marshall 01960-08-25 August 25, 1960
Marshall Tavern West Michigan Avenue and South Eagle Street Marshall 01958-02-19 February 19, 1958
Mary Bryant Mayo Birthplace 12557 L. Drive North, east of 12 Mile Road Battle Creek 01978-04-04 April 4, 1978
Charles Merritt House 327 North Capital Avenue Battle Creek 01979-08-03 August 3, 1979
Methodism in Battle Creek 114 East Michigan Avenue Battle Creek 01959-05-01 May 1, 1959
Michigan Central Railroad Station 44 McCamly Battle Creek 01970-11-06 November 6, 1970
James A. Miner Informational Site 156 West Michigan Avenue Marshall 01981-02-23 February 23, 1981
Mother's Day in Albion Informational Designation Corner of Ionia and Erie streets Albion 01990-03-15 March 15, 1990
National House† 102 South Parkview Marshall 01976-01-16 January 16, 1976
Nottawasippi Reservation† 1 mile West of Athens Athens 01972-06-16 June 16, 1972
Oakhill† 410 North Eagle Street Marshall 01974-07-26 July 26, 1974
Oakridge Cemetery 614 Dibble Street Marshall 01988-06-30 June 30, 1988
Penniman Castle† 443 Main Street Battle Creek 01999-07-15 July 15, 1999
Pierce-Slator House 314 West Mansion Marshall 01975-02-21 February 21, 1975
Planning Michigan's Public School System Informational Designation 310 N Kalamazoo Avenue Marshall 01956-02-18 February 18, 1956
Abner Pratt House† 107 North Kalamazoo Street Marshall 01965-02-17 February 17, 1965
Daniel Pratt House† 122 North High Street Marshall 01971-08-13 August 13, 1971
William Prindle Livery Stable (Old Stone Barn)† 323 West Michigan Avenue (South Kalamazoo at Fountain Circle?) Marshall 01973-03-14 March 14, 1973
Harvey N. Randall House 103 East North Street Tekonsha 01987-11-20 November 20, 1987
Riverside Cemetery Complex 1301 Superior Street near M-99 Albion 01996-08-29 August 29, 1996
Eugene P. Robertson House† 412 South Clinton Street Albion 01982-02-18 February 18, 1982
Saint Thomas Episcopal Church 72 Capital Avenue Northeast Battle Creek 01959-05-01 May 1, 1959
Schellenberger Tavern 507 West Hanover Marshall 01976-11-03 November 3, 1976
Nelle Zinn Burt Scheuch Estate 6174 Halbert Road Battle Creek 01990-11-15 November 15, 1990
Win Schuler's Inn 115 South Eagle Street Marshall 01976-08-06 August 6, 1976
Second Baptist Church Commemorative Designation 485 Washington Street Battle Creek 02000-06-29 June 29, 2000
Seventh Day Adventist Church 19 North Washington and Van Buren Streets Battle Creek 01959-10-14 October 14, 1959
Warren B. Shepard House 373 Riverside Drive Battle Creek 01988-09-21 September 21, 1988
Smith-Gillespie House 811 East Michigan Avenue Albion 01977-02-07 February 7, 1977
Sonoma United Methodist Church 4790 Capital Avenue, SW Battle Creek 01989-03-16 March 16, 1989
Starr Commonwealth for Boys 26 Mile Road (Starr Commonwealth Road) Sheridan Township 01981-07-17 July 17, 1981
Stevenson House 41 Orchard Place Battle Creek 01977-11-07 November 7, 1977
Stow-Hasbrouck House† 18600 16 1/2 Mile Road Marshall 01984-06-15 June 15, 1984
Tekonsha Township Hall Intersection of Canal and Murry streets Tekonsha 01979-06-15 June 15, 1979
Tekonsha Village Jail 111 Canal Street Tekonsha 01996-08-29 August 29, 1996
Jared C. Thompson House 633 West Hanover Marshall 01974-04-05 April 5, 1974
Trinity Episcopal Church 101 East Mansion Street Marshall 01980-02-27 February 27, 1980
Union Manufacturing Company 87 Capital Avenue, SW Battle Creek 01985-03-28 March 28, 1985
United States Post Office 202 East Michigan Ave Marshall 01982-01-13 January 13, 1982
Veterans Hospital No. 100, Camp Custer 5500 Armstrong Rd Battle Creek 01989-12-20 December 20, 1989
Wagner's Block† 143 West Michigan Avenue Marshall 01971-10-29 October 29, 1971
Ward Mill / Ward Building Informational Site Capitol Avenue, north of State Street at the Battle Creek Battle Creek 01990-10-12 October 12, 1990
James and Ellen G. White Grave Site Located in Oak Hill Cemetery, 255 South Avenue Lot #320 Battle Creek 01985-07-23 July 23, 1985
Allen and Charles Willard House 965 SW Capital Avenue Battle Creek 01989-03-16 March 16, 1989
Lt. George A. Woodruff Informational Site 614 Dibble Street Marshall 01979-04-24 April 24, 1979

See also

